SGI Policy

SMILICS TECHNOLOGIES, S.L., hereinafter SMILICS, is a company development for the designing manufacturing and suppling of current sensors, and custody and treatment of the dates of the measuring equipment, whose purpose is being recognised as a quality label for its product and services.

Our aim is being recognised for our innovation, quality on our products and for our dedication, transparency, being totally:

  • Committed to continuous improvement and compliance with the objectives and strategies of the company.
  • Committed to protecting the environment, preventing pollution and the surroundings of our facilities.
  • Committed to the safety and health of our colleagues, eliminating dangers, and reducing the risks that our employees may have in our/their activities.
  • Committed to the consultation and participation of workers.
  • Committed to protecting both its own and the client’s Intellectual Property, ensuring the integrity, availability, confidentiality, and authenticity of the information stored, processed and guarded, and safeguarding the resources used to provide the services, understood by such concepts:
    • Integrity: is the property that seeks to keep the data free of unauthorized modifications.
    • Availability: is the characteristic, quality, or condition of the information to be available to those who have access to it, whether people, processes, or applications.
    • Confidentiality: is the ownership of the information, which ensures that it is accessible only to personnel authorized by Smilics Technologies to access this information.
    • Authenticity: is the assurance of identity or origin.

To achieve these objectives, we have developed a unique team with a defined strategy, which is deployed in an Integrated Management System, based on the international ISO 9001, 14001, 27001 and 45001 Standards. All SMILICS employees and collaborators are part of our team, being the Management who assumes the leadership of the company to promote the involvement of the entire workforce, directing their efforts towards planning, respect for the environment, sustainability, and information security and the safeness and health of workers, avoiding any undesirable consequence, providing the technical and human resources necessary for the objectives to be met.

All the organization tasks are defending the objectives that we propose through the guidelines defined in the Management System, and that contribute to:

  • Comply with current regulations applicable to the Environment, Occupational Risks, and product quality, such as meeting customer and user requirements to improve their satisfaction as well as other requirements that SMILICS subscribes to.
  • Optimize working conditions and promote a good working environment.
  • Act and participate with our external allies, extending our demands in quality, environment, information security and occupational health and safety to suppliers, representatives, and logistics operators.
  • Have personnel with sufficient training and motivation to achieve the improvement of processes and their orientation to the customer satisfaction, ensuring that everyone knows the possible risks and preventive measures.
  • Ensure all interested parties the maximum protection of their information, as well as intellectual property and personal data.

These strategies are deployed in the SMILICS Management System in specific Objectives, Business Strategies, goals and indicators that are periodically evaluated and approved by Management.
The SMILICS Integrated Management System policy is reviewed, and it is communicated to all interested parties.

Fdo. Sr. José Antonio Martín
Director General