Mirubeee Smart IR: Solutions for the Management of Self-Consumption Surpluses

Mirubeee product range for photovoltaic installation management

Mirubeee Smart IR, On & Off Infrared Thermostat

Mirubeee Smart IR is part of the system of solutions for the management of self-consumption surpluses.

It is an infrared thermostat that will act on the air conditioning split that we have installed and will act as a smart remote control.

It is necessary to use a device for each of the splits we have.

Mirubeee Donwloads

What can you do with Mirubeee App?

Mirubeee® Smart IR technical characteristics

Mirubeee® Smart IR Measurements

Mirubeee APP: the App that controls in real time

Half of self-consumers export more than they consume!

With Mirubeee App you can minimize your energy surpluses, avoid consumption during the most expensive hours and limit the maximum power so that everything works in harmony. Download Mirubeee APP for free, without fees or recurring payments.

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