Mirubeee Is a Management System for Large Electrical Consumption in the Home That Allows You to Make the Most of Your Photovoltaic Installation

Mirubeee Management-App

The Mirubeee APP Makes Sure Everything Works in Harmony

  • Registration and configuration of equipment.
  • Definition of rates.
  • Operation calendars.
  • Manual operation.
  • Analytics: current situation, monitoring of objectives and comparison.
Mirubeee Presentation Dossier

Real-time Control

  • Energy imported and exported now.
  • Equipment activated by surplus or by programming.
  • Price of energy each hour according to the configured rate.

The Energy Consumption Management Platform Made for Professionals

Mirubeee App

On the home screen, you can monitor key metrics and have always control of each device.

Download Mirubeee APP for free, without fees or recurring payments.

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On the Home screen...

  • …monitors key metrics.
  • Install the equipment and configure the operation of the system.
  • At all times, you have control of each device.

All Smilics products


Efficiently monitor and manage the energy consumed by your clients in real time.

More about Wibeee

Get the most out of your photovoltaic installation and optimize your self-consumption.

More about Mirubeee

Rogowski coils and current transformers adapted to all needs.

More about Sensors

The complete solution for LV supervision and control of secondary substations.

More about 2Grid

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