Your photovoltaic installation with Mirubeee.

What is Mirubee

Mirubeee is a home electrical consumption management system that allows you to maximize the utilization of your photovoltaic installation, avoid consuming electricity during peak hours, and actively limit the maximum power consumed. All of this is achieved in an intelligent, automatic, and hassle-free manner.

How does it work?
The Mirubeee system utilizes the home as a large energy accumulator. It heats/cools the house when electricity is cheap or when there is surplus solar production, taking advantage of thermal inertia to avoid consumption during more expensive energy periods.

Hot water consumption is critical during a small part of the day (shower time). The rest of the time, the electric accumulator is used to store energy at the most appropriate moment.

UA swimming pool requires a few hours of daily filtration to stay clean, but the exact timing of the operation is not crucial. It is a significant consumption that can be easily shifted or adjusted.

The system checks the electricity prices for each hour every day. This, combined with the user’s programming and the availability of surplus solar energy, allows the system to make minute-by-minute decisions on turning on or off household appliances.Pel control d’excedents fotovoltaics, el sistema Mirubeee utilitza la xarxa elèctrica com una bateria d’acumulació. És per això que es permet el vessament d’excedents a la xarxa, el qual es compensa als pocs minuts amb l’activació de determinats aparells. Per tant, el sistema no regula la potència dels aparells sinó que adapta el seu temps d’ús per aconseguir l’objectiu de “balanç zero” dins de cada hora natural (ja que cada hora la distribuïdora fa un balanç net entre l’energia importada i exportada).

For the control of photovoltaic surpluses, the Mirubeee system utilizes the electrical grid as an energy storage battery. This is why surplus energy can be fed back into the grid, which is then compensated within a few minutes through the activation of specific appliances. Therefore, the system does not regulate the power of the appliances but rather adjusts their usage time to achieve the objective of a “zero balance” within each natural hour (as the distributor performs a net balance between imported and exported energy every hour).


System status at a glance

Monitor your installation at any time, updated every minute. Check if there are surplus solar productions and if they are being compensated through the automatic activation of your devices. Take a look at the current energy purchase and selling prices according to the configured tariff.

Definition of tariffs

Configure your tariff so that Mirubeee can make the best decision at each moment based on the cost of purchase and sale. If you have a variable tariff (such as PVPC or indexed), the system updates the hourly prices every day. If you have a tariff with fixed prices in different time slots, you can indicate the one you have contracted.

Operation calendars

Set the operating schedule for your appliances. For heating or cooling, you can schedule guaranteed operating hours or only operate them when there is surplus solar energy. You can also program whether to avoid operation during peak hours or adjust the temperature setpoint.

Individual control, manual operation.

Take a look at the activity of a specific appliance during the last week to ensure that everything is functioning as expected. Modify the operating settings or manually activate/deactivate the appliance as needed.

Analytics: Current situation, goal tracking, and comparisons.

Gain an overview of the performance of your installation over time. Track the amortization of your generation system, monitor your self-consumption percentage (the energy you have generated and utilized locally), and access data for the current month in terms of energy and euros.

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