Fair ENLIT in Milan

Smilics Technologies will participate in the ENLIT Exhibition in Milan, former European Utility Week, from November 30 to December 2.

We will be in the Spanish pavilion, in booth 12.E80.

Among the novelties we will be showing in the exhibition there are:

  • The IoT devices for secondary substations
  • We will be showing too, the solutions for the energy suppliers, where we are offering behind the meter Solutions, solar monitoring, demand response, flexibility, Solutions for energy communities and shared self-consumption.
  • Since we are also manufacturers of Rogowski coils and Split core CTs, we will be showing our new range of Split core CTs for secondary substations with accuracy class 0,2s and IP68
  • Finally, we will be presenting too a new device for measuring the Ground Resistance in secondary substations.

We look forward to see you there and welcome you in our booth

For more information: www.enlit-europe.com