Assistance to the elderly in Aparthotels

Many elderly care centers are organized as aparthotels. Each person has their own space (living room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom) and a common services area. The Wibee platform is designed for the electrical sub-meter of each apartment. Accumulated consumption data can be downloaded in Excel from any computer connected to the internet.

Wibee allows you to :

  • Have information on the use of electricity and data from other sensors. Helping the elderly to lead a more independent, secure and stable life.
  • Monitor and set up alarms on the use of certain appliances : electric stove, oven, clothes iron, hair dryer, etc. Helping to prevent fires and minimizing the damages derived of possible carelessness in its use.
  • Analyze patterns of activity and use of electrical appliances. Helping to prevent eating disorders, early detection of Alzheimer’s, analysis of sleep quality, etc.

Wibee analyzes routines of the elderly, such as :

  • Lunch hours.
  • Skip meals.
  • Repetition of nonsensical actions.
  • Number of overnight interruptions.
  • Unusually low activity (possible falls)

For more information: